
To position or transform layers and layer groups directly, you can use the Canvas. If you want to make more detailed modifications like changing the font of a text layer, you need to select the layer first to show the properties panel. The available settings are depending on the layer type.
This page covers only the common properties that are existent on every composition object (layers and layer groups).
For a detailed description of all layer specific properties see Layer Types.

Composition objects are the elements of a watermark profile. A profile consists of at least one layer group, that represents a watermark. Such a group in turn, is made up of at least a single layer. Layers are images or texts for example.

Show Properties

To show the properties of a composition object, simply select a layer or layer group via the Canvas or the Layer Overview.

Naming Composition Objects

Composition objects can be named to identify them unambiguously and find them easily within the layer overview tree. Use the text field to modify the name of a layer or a layer group.

Positioning Composition Objects

At times you need to position layers or layer groups more precisely as it is possible by mouse - even if you a steady hand. Therefore you can change the position of your selected object on the X and Y axis pixel-precise with the text boxes.

Layers and layer groups can be positioned pixel by pixel with your keyboard. Just use the arrow keys on your keyboard!

Sizing Composition Objects

Similar to the positioning of objects, bulkWaterMark also supports the pixel-precise resizing of layers and layer groups via keyboard input into the text boxes.

Absolute and Relative Sizes of Layers

When working with absolute sizes, you are defining the exact size of the layer in pixels that bulkWaterMark is rendering. If you want that bulkWaterMark scales a layer proportional to the size of the current photo to protects, you need to use relative sizes in percent of the photo size. For example: If you define a layer that measures 50 percent in width and length, bulkWaterMark will draw the layer with 250 x 250 pixels when using an input image to protect of 500 x 500 pixels.

To use relative widths and heights, you need to change the unit of the layer size with the combo boxes. The relative size option is only available for layers.

Auto Sizing Layers

Some layer types can automatically detect how much space they need to display their content ideal. This setting can be activated by the Auto Size button.

The size of a text layer, for example, can be determined by the text length and the font size. When using image layers, the auto size is always the original size of the image source.

Layer Group Margin

You can define a margin for a watermark via the properties of its Layer Group. Therefore, select the Layer Group in the Layer Overview first. Afterwards you can adjust the horizontal or vertical margin of the Layer in pixels by using the text boxes.

Layer Transparency

All composition objects in bulkWaterMark have a transparency value that is adjustable for each layer or layer group individually. Just click the Transparency button to open the transparency settings.

Effects and Layers

All layers in bulkWaterMark can be enhanced with Effects to let them appear more creative and diversified.
By clicking the button Effects, the Effects popup gets opened.

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