Usually the activation of a bulkWaterMark license should run smooth: Open the app settings and change to the license key tab
, enter the license key into the text box and start the activation by clicking
Yeah, I have tried that already but that just does not work for me. What should I do? Following troubles can occur on activation - solutions attached:
I have forgotten my license key. What can I do?
Not a big deal. Just go to this form and enter your mail address. After a few moments you will get all your license keys into your mailbox.
The entered license key is expired on ...
You have taken part in our beta program and are still using the beta license key? Then it is expired probably. If you still want to continue testing Pro and Business feature use the 30-days-trial instead.
The entered license key is illegal/is invalid.
No good news. Should you have bought this license keys then probably not in our online store. Please contact us to avoid misunderstandings.
bulkWaterMark checks occasionally on startup if your license key is valid. If your system time is far off our server time, then your license will be deactivated. Please correct your system time and activate your license key again.
The entered license key is already activated.
The Basic edition is a single activation license key. If you have activated the key on a computer you can't activate the key on another computer.
But what if I would like to use the key on another computer? In this case, you can release the key on the activated computer with and activate the license on the other computer.
License keys for Pro or Business licenses can be activated on multiple computers at once. If your quota is exhausted you are getting this error message too. You have to release a license from an activated computer like mentioned above.
I have forgotten to release the license key before re-installing my computer. What can I do?
No problem at all. Just message our support and we release the key manually so that you can re-activate the software again.
Do you have another question concerning license activation that wasn't answered here? Then contact us at or write your question underneath this article!